- used stardict-tool
- used dictconv
I tested only first solution.
1. Open a Synaptic Package Manager and find the stardict-tools package to install .
2. Download which Babylon dict you want at babylon .
3. Using bgl2txt in /usr/lib/stardict-toos/bgl2txt convert Babylon dict to plain text.
$/usr/lib/stardict-toos/bgl2txt xxx.bgl
4. Your step 3 output is xxx.babylon. You must convert one again with babylon in /usr/lib/stardict-toos/babylon .
$/usr/lib/stardict-toos/babylon xxx.babylon
5. Create xxx folder and copy outputs from step 4 to xxx folder then move it to Stardict dictionary directory.
$mv xxx/ /usr/share/stardict/dic/
6. Enjoy your new dict. :-)
approximate steps for dictconv. credit http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread96152.html.
- install dictconv
- using this command.
$dictconv test.BGL -o test.ifo
now you have test.ifo , test.idx and test.dict .
- install dictzip for compressing dict and use this command.
$dictzip test.dict
- copy your output (test.ifo , test.idx , test.dz) to stardict dictionary directory.